Project Description

This is our internal project. Goal was to build a tool that helps us build software faster. We provide the input to the software in terms of what should be the fields of a form, and the software generates the end to end code structure covering “Presentation Layer”, “Business Logic Layer” & “Data Access Layer”.

Currently this project support following technology configuration:

  • AngularJs + .NET Core API + MS SQL Server

  • Angular8 + .NET Core API + MS SQL Server

  • ASP.NET MVC + MS SQL Server

Work In Progress

  • Angular8 + Node + Express + Mongo

  • ReactJs + Node + Express + Mongo

  • Angular8 + PHP + MySQL

  • Skills Used

      Third Party Library (Front End)
    • LESS

    • Database
    • MongoDb
    • MS SQL Server

    • Back End
    • .NET Core
    • Node.js

    • Languages
    • C#

    • Front End
    • AngularJs
    • React