Project Description


  • Our client was a wedding film maker agency & he was a musician in early days of his career.

  •  it was always hard and frustrating to spend hours or days looking for the right music for each production and our client knew the struggles of making a living as a musician. 

  • Client came up with an idea of a music library that would only represent select tracks from some of the best unknown artists in the world. 

  • The aim of the library was to help filmmakers and musicians equally and understand that both sides need genuine company to listen and fulfill their needs.

Solution & Features

The client approached Ingenious Infotech with the great idea of building a web application to connect both filmmakers and musicians and to create mutual partnership that would help both sides to solve their problems. In this web application, Music composers should be able to upload their music and whoever wants to purchase their music, can do that under the various available licenses. Customers at the other hand can create playlists from the songs he has purchased. Customers can make payments through Paypal or Credit Card once they finalize the tracks to be used. Besides, Customer and Composer there's one more type of user – Admin who can manage many things. Whenever any song is uploaded by Composer it needs to be approved by the Admin first before it appears to the world. Admin can also disable/delete the composer and tracks uploaded by him if it's found violating the policy. Admin can create playlists for the guest users as well. Admin can provide discount coupons.

Here is the list of features implemented in brief:


  • List of Pending-Approved Composers

  • Create Featured Playlist to be visible on home screen

  • Earning reports

  • Add Discount Coupons

  • Customers list


  • Choosing License for songs

  • Purchasing songs

  • Set Payment Options

  • List of Purchased Licenses


  • Upload Songs

  • Account Information

  • Earnings Report

  • Skills Used

      Third Party Library (Back End)
    • AutoMapper

    • Third Party Library (Front End)
    • Font Awesome
    • slick.js
    • x-editable
    • wavesurfer
    • Underscore.js

    • Front End
    • CSS3
    • Moment

    • Build, Deployment, Source Control & Project Mgmt Tools
    • Git

    • Payment Integration
    • PayPal

    • Cloud Technology
    • AWS S3

    • Database
    • MS SQL Server

    • Back End
    • MVC
    • Analytics

    • Languages
    • C#
    • HTML