Project Description

End Client provides drivers education & driving classes for teens, adults & corporations in Texas, USA. Business has grown quite well with multiple Franchises. They were already using an MIS (Management Information System) to manage some of their day to day functions. However; they wanted to revamp the whole system and need the new one to manage most of their day to day needs.

Our client was a Software Consulting services from the USA, who were helping them to revamp the application. Our dedicated developers along with Client reviewed the details. We had several meetings to understand their business process so we can suggest the best possible ways to implement the MIS. We decided the modules to be implemented, and started the whole software development life cycle using the waterfall model.

This system  can be used by Driver, Manager, Instructor, Admin, Students (teen & adults).  Here are some of the features:

  • Sales & Revenue Report

  • Account Management

  • Drive Slot Schedule

  • Classroom Schedule

  • Driver Management

  • Driver Certificates

  • Driver Progress

  • Classroom Management

    • Sessions

    • Incidents

    • Attendance

    • Grades

  • Instructor Management

  • Vehicle Management

  • Package & Plan Management

  • Subscription

  • Documents Management

  • Messages

  • Staff

  • Schedule, Events & Alerts

  • Reading Materials

  • Availability Management

  • Video Library

  • Skills Used

      Third Party Library (Back End)
    • Telerik Controls
    • iTextSharp

    • Front End
    • CSS3

    • Database
    • MS SQL Server

    • Third Party Library (Front End)
    • jQuery
    • Kendo UI

    • Back End
    • MVC
    • Entity Framework

    • Languages
    • C#
    • HTML