Project Description

This portal was built for a University. This is a Management Information System (MIS) used for managing Student Information Database.  

It is used to maintain all the information about the students.

  • Basic information like name, age, gender, nationality etc
  • Program enrolment information
  • Yearly courses enrolment information
  • Yearly accommodation enrollment information
  • Yearly school fees information

This portal also have a student's registration process in place to process enrollment in each year. This tool should also maintain information on

  • Excluded students
  • Graduated students (Alumni)

Most of students data will come from various sources, and the merge all the data into a single excel spreadhsset. Therefore there is a utility to import students data from spreadsheets.

 Students reports were also built using SAP Crystal Reports

  • Enrollment statistics report
  • Graduates statistics report
  • Students progression report
  • Students attrition report
  • Other students statistical reports

  • Skills Used

      Build, Deployment, Source Control & Project Mgmt Tools
    • Git

    • Front End
    • CSS3

    • Database
    • MS SQL Server

    • Languages
    • C#
    • HTML