Project Description

Project Description :

  • This project  is an online video streaming application for leaning and entertaining purpose. Where user can select preferences like what type of content want to consume(read, listen, watch etc), what type of content generally like to follow(people, company, news etc) and what topics(beauty, photography) you like most. Based on these preferences, Playlist for videos will be prepared and displayed to the user dashboard.

Types Of Users :

  • Super User

  • Admin

  • User

Super User :

  • Mail invitation for admin user:

    • Super user will enter email of admin and send invitation by mail for registration in CMS.

Admin :

  • Registration

    • Admin will register in CMS by clicking on link which is sent in mail.

  • Pathway Management

    • Admin can insert, update and delete pathway overview detail like title, description, topic etc.

  • Video Management

    • Admin can insert, update and delete video based on pathway. Video details will come from the youtube using youtube data api by passing video id.

  • Spotlight Management

    • Admin can insert, update and delete spotlight details like title, description, URL etc based on video.

  • Upskill Management

    • Admin can insert, update and delete upskills details like type(book, podcast, website etc), title, URL based on pathway.

User :

  • Login

    • User can login with social accounts(Facebook, Gmail, Apple) or normal login.

  • Configure Preferences

    • User can setup account by selecting different preferences. Preferences are what type of content(read, listen, watch etc) user want to consume, what type of content user generally like to follow(people, company, news etc), which topic(beauty, photography) like most. And based on this preferences user can see playlist based on this configuration.

  • Overview page

    • After configuring preferences, user can see pathway overview screen, where user can see total likes, dislikes, member of this pathway community. Also user can see how many videos he has been completed among all the videos from this pathway.

  • Video dashboard page

    • User can play and pause video from here. And user can add comment, like comment, flag comment. System will keep track that how much video seen last.

  • Forum page

    • User can search and ask questions. Can see top 10 questions, top 10 active members.

  • Skills Used

      Third Party Library (Front End)
    • Twitter Bootstrap
    • ng-bootstrap

    • Back End
    • Node.js

    • Database
    • MongoDb

    • Front End
    • Angular8