Project Description

Our client is a customer focused, eco-friendly provider of quality products and efficient, friendly services within the New Zealand "Away from Home" Market. They offer an extensive range of Consumable Products for all NZ Business and Government Sectors including, but not limited to paper towels, toilet paper, hand soap, washroom chemicals and a variety of other hygienic items. It specializes in providing high quality Consumable Products specifically designed and selected for their customers individual requirements.

This web application is built with the aim to create a web application to fill a gap in the market between unnecessary, frustrating, long term contracts as opposed to "pay as you go" and "order when you need" consumable requirements, while still getting the customization needed on a per order basis. Additionally this portal also gives flexibility to customers to place orders with almost no human interaction for the customized need.

Admin Modules

  • Client Management

  • Product Management

  • Product Assignment & Customization

  • Location Assignment

  • Client Wise Pricing

  • Category Management

  • Order Listing & Status

  • CMS

  • Account Management

Client Modules

  • Browse & Customize Products

  • Place Order

  • View Order Status

  • Order History

  • Account Management

  • Cart

  • Skills Used

      Third Party Library (Back End)
    • iTextSharp

    • Build, Deployment, Source Control & Project Mgmt Tools
    • Git

    • Third Party Library (Front End)
    • SCSS
    • ng-bootstrap
    • Font Awesome

    • Database
    • MS SQL Server

    • Back End
    • Entity Framework

    • Front End
    • Angular8
    • CSS3

    • Languages
    • C#
    • TypeScript
    • HTML